Active Forms
Kittatinny Lodge requires a completed BSA Medical (Parts A&B) at all lodge weekends and Conclaves. A complete BSA Medical (Parts A, B, and C) is required for events lasting 72 hours or longer such as NOAC. If you do not have a completed medical, you will not be allowed to attend the weekend or event.
Upcoming Events and Registration
We have moved all upcoming events and registration links to the Events page.
Other Lodge Forms
Brotherhood Review Checklist
(Used to prepare for taking your Brotherhood Review).
Adult Talent Form
(Complete form and email to the lodge adviser if you are an adult interested in serving the lodge as a committee Adviser)
Lodge Officer Nomination Form
(This form is to be used to nominate oneself for an officer position within Kittatinny Lodge. The officer positions are: Chief; Vice-Chief of Administration; Vice-Chief of Activities; Vice-Chief of Inductions; Secretary; and Treasurer.)
Lodge Officer Election Petition Form
(Used to propose officers other than those recommended by the nominating committee. See the Lodge Bylaws for a complete explanation.)
Dues Payment Form
(to pay your dues if also paid in 2023; otherwise use reinstatement form below.)
Change of Address Form
(to update your mailing address or other contact information)
Reinstatement Form
(for use if you have not paid dues for this and the previous year)
Lodge Membership Transfer Form
(for OA members transferring in from another lodge)
Lodge Participation Award Tracking Form
(for recording progress on your participation award before turning in for patch and/or pins)
Lodge OA Unit Representative Award Tracking Form
(for recording progress on your OA Unit Rep award before turning in for patch)
Lodge Expense Reimbursement Form
(Used by Committee Chairmen and Advisers to submit expenses against their budget for reimbursement before making purchases)
Lodge Meeting Attendance Sheet
(Used by the lodge secretary or other recording officer to maintain accurate records of attendance at LEC and General Lodge Meetings)
Award Nomination Forms
Camp Service Award (Lodge Award)
This Camp Service Award is presented by Kittatinny Lodge 5. It is given to a youth member who renders outstanding service to the Lodge’s summer camping program. In order to give due consideration to all worthy lodge members, please fill out this form, including all pertinent information.
Spirit Award (Lodge Award)
The Spirit Award is an honor that Kittatinny Lodge 5 bestows for service to the Lodge. It is a mark of distinction reserved for those Scouts or Scouters who, by reason of exceptional service, have made contributions beyond the immediate responsibilities of their position or office during the past year. This award is presented to any worthy member. In order to give due consideration to all worthy lodge members, please fill out this form, including all pertinent information.
Founders Award (National Award)
This National sanctioned award was created to honor and recognize those Arrowmen who have given outstanding service to their lodge. The award is reserved for an Arrowmen who demonstrates to fellow Arrowmen that he or she memorializes in his or her everyday life the spirit of achievement as described by founder E. Urner Goodman and co-founder Carroll A. Edson.
Vigil Honor
Please see the Vigil Committee Page for information regarding the new procedure for nominating candidates for the Vigil Honor.
Section Forms
Forms are available from the section including the Section Scholarship for OA High Adventure.