Bylaws (Revised, 4/21/2024)

Article I – Name and Affiliation of the Lodge
  1. The name of the Lodge of the Order of the Arrow shall be Kittatinny Lodge #5.
  2. This Lodge shall be affiliated with the Hawk Mountain Council, Boy Scouts of America, and shall be under the supervision of the Council Camping Committee, and the Administration authority of the Council Scout Executive.
  3. The Totem and Call of this Lodge shall be that of the Timber Wolf.
  4. The Lodge Totem and name may only be reproduced with written approval of the Scout Executive or prior approval of the Lodge Executive Committee.
  5. The standard set of colors for this Lodge shall be red, gray, and yellow. Order of the Arrow sashes shall be worn in accordance with the Order of the Arrow Handbook.
Article II – Requirements and Procedures for Ordeal Membership
  1. The requirements for membership and election in Lodge #5 (youth and adults) shall be limited by the National Committee of the Order of the Arrow.
  2. Procedures of the Ordeal shall be as stated in the current Order of the Arrow Handbook and the ceremonies as outlined in the Manual of the Ordeal.
  3. All elections to be held must be cleared through the Lodge Camp Promotion and Election Chairman.
  4. Questions concerning the validity of elections shall be resolved by the Executive Committee.
Article III – Brotherhood Membership
  1. The policy regarding the qualifications of Brotherhood candidates and completion of the Brotherhood membership shall be in accordance with the current Order of the Arrow Handbook.
  2. Brotherhood ceremonies shall be outlined in the Order of the Arrow Handbook and the Brotherhood Ceremonies Booklet.
  3. All Brotherhood members are entitled to a Brotherhood Membership Pin.
Article IV – Vigil Honor
  1. Attainment of the Vigil Honor shall be in accordance with the current Order of the Arrow Handbook and Order of the Arrow Training Manual.
  2. The Vigil Honor Committee Chairman shall be chosen by the Lodge Chief, with the approval of the Lodge Adviser.
  3. All Vigil Honor members are entitled to a Vigil Honor Membership pin.
Article V – Officers
  1. The officers of this Lodge shall be: Lodge Chief, three (3) Lodge Vice-Chiefs, Lodge Secretary, and Lodge Treasurer. They must be under twenty-one years of age for the entire term of office, registered in scouting and in good standing with the Order of the Arrow.
  2. Lodge Officers shall be elected at the September Lodge Meeting. The official term of office shall begin on January 1 and conclude on December 31 (this includes all positions of the Lodge Leadership, adult and youth alike). All terms are for one year (youth and adult) with renewal at the discretion of the Lodge Chief (youth) or Lodge Adviser (adults).
  3. The nominating committee will present a slate of officers consisting of Chief, three (3) Vice-Chiefs (as a cluster), Secretary, and Treasurer. The slate of officers will be presented at the Spring general membership meeting (normally May) and communicated to the entire lodge prior to the following general membership meeting (normally September). Additional nominations may be received no later than 15 days prior to the election. Petitions will consist of the applicants’ personal information along with the signature of the Lodge Adviser and Staff Adviser. The petition may list one (1) chief, three (3) vice-chiefs (as a cluster), and/or one (1) secretary, and/or one (1) treasurer. The petition will enact an election at the Fall (normally September) general membership meeting where the individual filing the petition will be running against the slated officer position for which they filed the petition. The petition must be addressed to the Lodge secretary and Staff Adviser, c/o Kittatinny Lodge #5, Order of the Arrow. Any elections resulting from petitions filed shall be decided when one candidate receives a majority of the votes cast.
  4. Voting members of the Executive Committee shall be: Elected officers and standing committee chairmen.
  5. The Executive Committee shall comprise: Elected officers, Operating Committee Chairmen and the Advisers, immediate past Lodge Chief and Lodge Adviser.
  6. The Lodge Chief and Lodge Adviser shall appoint such committees as may be required. All appointed chairmen must be under twenty-one years of age for their entire term.
  7. In the event that the chief is unable to fulfill his duties, the succession of office is: (1) Vice-Chief of Administration (2) Vice-Chief of Activities, (3) Vice-Chief of Inductions, or as otherwise designated by the Lodge Chief prior to the event/meeting given the approval of the Key Three. In the event of the resignation of the Chief a designated nominee for replacement shall be chosen by a nomination committee designated by the Lodge Chief*, or Lodge Executive Committee with the approval of the Key Three. Then the nominee may be installed given the approval of the Lodge Exec. Committee and the Key Three.
  8. The Lodge shall pay the national cost for the standing lodge chief (as of April 1 of the year NOAC is held) to attend NOAC and shall include such payment in its annual budget.

* If the Lodge Chief resigns for other obligations in the Order he may designate such a committee as mentioned above with the approval of the Lodge Executive Committee.

Article VI – Committees
  1. The LEC shall be comprised of the following committees: Activities, Brotherhood, Ceremonies, Camp Promotions & Elections, Communications, Conference/Conclave, Health & Safety, Historian, Kitchen, Kittatinny Inc, Membership, Ordeal, Service, OA Unit Rep, and Vigil.
  2. The Lodge Chief shall appoint all youth committee chairman and create and appoint a chairman of ad-hoc committees as needed in consultation with the Lodge Adviser. The Lodge Adviser shall appoint all adult committee advisers and appoint advisers to ad-hoc committees as needed in consultation with the Lodge staff Adviser.
  3. The Vice Chief of Administration will directly work with and oversee the following committees: Kitchen, Membership, OA Unit Rep, Vigil
  4. The Vice Chief of Activities will directly work with and oversee the following committees: Activities, Conference/Conclave, Health & Safety, Historian, Kittatinny Inc., Service
  5. The Vice Chief of Inductions will directly work with and oversee the following committees: Camp Promotions & Elections, Ceremonies, Ordeal, Brotherhood
  6. The Lodge Secretary will directly work with and oversee the Communications Committee.
Article VII – Removal from Office
  1. Youth Members – Matters of the removal of a youth member is left to the discretion of the Lodge Chief and approved by the Lodge Key-3. Reasons to remove a youth officer/chairman from office can include but are not limited to, failure to fulfill responsibilities as designated by the Lodge Bylaws and LEC, failure to live in accordance with the ideals of Scouting, and failure to attend over 50% of lodge events/meetings without reasonable notice and legitimate reason for absence. If the person being removed from their position is a chairman, then their respective Vice-Chief to whom they report shall also have input regarding their removal. In the event that a member is removed from office, the Lodge Chief has the right to fill the position at their discretion. A 30-day notice must be given to those being recommended for removal from office to allow them opportunity to fulfill their commitment.
  2. Adult Advisers – Matters of the removal of a committee Adviser is left to the discretion of the Lodge Adviser and approved by the Lodge Key-3. Reasons to remove an adult adviser from office can include but are not limited to, failure to fulfill responsibilities as designated by the Lodge Bylaws and LEC, failure to live in accordance with the ideals of Scouting, and failure to attend over 50% of lodge events/meetings without reasonable notice and legitimate reason for absence. The Lodge Adviser shall also appoint adults as needed to fill vacancies. A 30-day notice must be given to those being recommended for removal from office to allow them an opportunity to fulfill their commitment.
  3. Resignation – Any youth or adult has the right to resign at any point during their term. A 30-day notice shall be provided to the Lodge Key-3 in the event of a resignation. The Lodge Chief shall appoint someone to fill any vacated youth position and the Lodge Adviser shall appoint someone to fill any vacated adult position.
Article VIII – Lodge Meetings
  1. The Lodge Executive Committee shall develop the Lodge’s Yearly calendar.
  2. The Executive Committee shall meet a minimum of six (6) times per year. A minimum of five (5) voting Executive Committee members shall constitute a quorum.
  3. Special meetings may be called by the Lodge Chief with the approval of the Scout Executive or by the Scout Executive.
  4. All Lodge meetings will be conducted with the use of Parliamentary Procedure.
Article IX – Dues and Finances
  1. Induction fees and included materials shall be determined by the Ordeal Committee with the approval of the Executive Committee.
  2. Annual dues will be reviewed as necessary and set by the Executive Committee with the approval of the Scout Executive.
  3. All Lodge moneys shall be supervised by the Lodge Staff Adviser. All Lodge funds shall be handled with normal council accounting procedures.
  4. An annual budget will be drafted by the Lodge Treasurer in consultation with the lodge Key-3 and presented at the beginning of each new term and presented at the January meeting for approval.
Article X – Service Bead System
  1. Purpose: To recognize those members that demonstrate a willingness to service in the activities and principles of the lodge.
  2. Events of Merit: As determined and published by the Executive Committee.
  3. Order of Presentation:
    • 1 RED each activity
    • 3 RED = 1 YELLOW
    • 3 YELLOW = 1 BROWN
    • 2 BROWN = 1 GREEN
    • 2 GREEN = 1 BLACK
    • 2 BLACK = 1 WHITE
    • 1 CLEAR RED for each lodge training event
    • 1 CLEAR for each National event
  4. Special Recognition Beads
    • Brass – Attendance at 1971 Conclave (merger of Memeu #125 and Minsi #5)
    • Silver – Attendance at 75th Anniversary Feast
    • Hematite – Attendance at any of the Lodge 100th Anniversary events
  5. Method of presentation: The beads are the responsibilities of the Vice-Chiefs.
  6. Method of wearing: Beads will be worn from a leather thong suspended from the right pocket.
Article XI – Lodge Awards
  1. The lodge will sponsor the Kittatinny Award each year.
  2. The lodge will sponsor the summer camp individual Order of the Arrow service project award each year.
  3. The Founders Award, the Lodge Spirit Award and the Camp Service Award are at the discretion of the Lodge Key-3.
  4. The Chief’s Awards shall be given at the discretion of the Lodge Chief and the Adviser’s Awards shall be given at the discretion of the Lodge Adviser.
  5. The lodge participation award is a 4-year award in which any brother may attain according to the requirements approved and available online and at the Council’s Service Center.
Article XII- Amending the Bylaws
  1. Any and all bylaw changes must be voted on and approved at a general membership meeting.
  2. The LEC must vote on and approve bylaw amendments/changes prior to the general membership voting on the proposed bylaw amendment/change.
  3. Bylaw changes shall be published to the general lodge membership 30 days in advance to the scheduled vote.