Vigil Honor Roll
Contact the Communications Committee if you have information on any missing names.
There are currently Vigil Members on this list. Last updated on October 6, 2024.
Date | Member Name | Lenape Name / English Translation |
2024 | ||
2024-10-06 | William Brudereck | Allogagan Takachsin Nachpikin Servant Leader of the Outdoors |
2024-10-06 | Scotia Foose | Witscheman Sakimaike Helpful One Among The Chiefs |
2024-10-06 | Evan W. Fryer | Wulantowagan Wikhetschik Alloganan Good Spirited Builder Who Serves |
2024-10-06 | Samuel Heebner | Amendchewagan Mikemosu Stubborn One Who Works |
2024-10-06 | Tyler McCaffrey | Gischenaxin Takhwikamen Pemsit Prepared Shadow Walker |
2024-10-06 | Christina D. Rohm | Wingolauchsik Witscheman Wunita Cheerful Helpful One Who Is Able |
2024-10-06 | Margaret E. Thorpe | Welitehe Tokenixsuwak Nikanixink Good-Hearted Soft-Spoken Leader |
2024-10-06 | Boone C. Webb | Elangomat Awsu Milaxka Friend With Wild Hair |
2023 | ||
2023-10-08 | Charles “Chas” D. Andrews | Wulelendamuwi Ktemaque Nachgohuman Joyful Beaver Who Sings |
2023-10-08 | Richard D. Fisher III | Machelemuxit Aspenummen Awènik Honored One Who Lifts Up Others |
2023-10-08 | James R. Garringer | Wowoatammowino Allohak Wdee Wise Man Strong Heart |
2023-10-08 | Nolan J. Garringer | Tghauchsuwi Machkachten Kind Coal of a Fire |
2023-10-08 | John Rohm | Gunaxit Achgeketum Allogagan Tall Teacher Who Serves |
2023-10-08 | Andrew Speicher | Mawat Gischenaxin One Who is Prepared |
2023-10-08 | Alfred J. Tomaselli IV | Nutiket Chans Menatey Guardian of Elder Brothers Island |
2023-10-08 | Logan B. Westlake | Achewiecheu Nikanixichik Nchutia Strong Spirited Leader and Friend |
2022 | ||
2022-10-02 | Robert T. Dieteman | Pataman Allogagan Sachgachtoon Reverent Servant Who Likes To Cook |
2022-10-02 | Jacob B. Keller | Gilkissin Elangomat Nagatamen Laughing Friend Who Can Be Trusted |
2022-10-02 | Walter Sheehan Sr. | Opalani Witatschimolsin Eagle Advisor |
2022-10-02 | Jacob B. Thorpe | Achewon Nikanixit Nimawanachen Spirit Leader On Great Journey |
2021 | ||
2021-10-17 | Braiden Bice | Lilchpin Achibis Diligent One Who Gives First Aid |
2021-10-17 | Jeremy M. Bice | Gettemagelensit Anatschiton Humble One Who Cures |
2021-10-17 | Cooper Dunn | Tgauchsin Wihhinachk Friendly Birch Tree |
2021-11-14 | Kurt Freer | Luppoewagan Wulamac Guttgennemen Witty One Who Speaks Truly And Gives Back |
2021-10-17 | Griffin C. Kelly | Langundowi Aptonaltin Weuchsowagan Peaceful Speaker Of Knowledge |
2021-11-14 | Joseph P. Iverson | Gunaquot Gihim Allogagan Tall One Who Encourages And Serves |
2021-10-17 | James A. Molleca, Jr. | Wulalooewagan Gilkissin Laughing One Who Does Good Work |
2021-10-17 | Aaron Stepanchick | Machque Wewingtonheet Bear Babbler |
2020 | ||
2020-10-04 | David C. Brady | Takachsin Gigitowalan Chelit Leader Who Talks Much |
2020-10-04 | Jeffrey M. Davenport | Gischitelien Takachsin Allohakasin Determined Leader Who Instructs |
2020-10-04 | Richard D. Fisher Jr. | Pupukwesh Netopalis Allogagan Wemi Bobwhite Warrior Who Serves All |
2020-10-04 | Cole Geisinger | Tangetto Nitis Gilkissin Small Companion Who Laughs |
2020-10-04 | Zachary Goodman | Chitkuwi Kochemink Wihkalit Calm Outdoor Friend |
2020-10-04 | Larry J. Henne | Lippoe Takachsin Pilawetschitsch Wise Leader of Boys |
2020-10-04 | Galadriel B. Kelly | Lippoe Gokhos Auwen Wunattochton Wise Owl Who Inquires |
2020-10-04 | Christopher Kochel | Welitehe Tgauchsin Wiechenin Big Hearted Friendly Chef |
2020-10-04 | James “Jay” A. Molleca III | Nipsu Elogamgussit Sabbeleu Excited Messenger Who Shines Brightly |
2020-10-04 | Elaine J. Price | Tgaushin Kikehuwet Xahowsu Friendly Doctor Who Leads Others |
2020-12-19 | Andrew Taylor | Wulistammoewagen Takachsin Amochol Faithful One Who Leads Canoes |
2020-10-04 | Lisa Wilder | Gischitehen Allogagan Achgeketum Determined Servant Teacher |
2019 | ||
2019-10-13 | Gordon G. Araujo Jr. | Pupulwesh Takachsin Alemakusihele Bobwhite Leader Who Climbs Quickly |
2019-10-13 | Nathan A. Bender | Manunksu Meteu Machtagen Tindeh Angry Medicine Man Who Fights Fire |
2019-10-13 | Curtis T. Fitterling | Lepwe Kikinhe Sisilija Clever Guiding Buffalo |
2019-10-13 | Jaydon Hensinger | Chesimus Takachsin Gischihan Little Brother Leader Who Creates |
2019-10-13 | Brenda L. Hensinger | Amangi Wdee Gentgeen Woakus Big Hearted Dancing Fox |
2019-10-13 | Jeremy Kirlin | Wulilisseu Kimuxe Xahowsu Kind One Who Quietly Leads |
2019-10-13 | James A. Kirlin | Tgauchsin Woapalanne Sachgaguntin Friendly Eagle Who Leads Others |
2019-10-13 | Rudolph C. Mayrhofer | Woapalanne Gihim Guttgennemen Eagle Who Encourages And Gives |
2019-10-13 | Avery J. Millisock | Natoochton Nachgohuman Inquiring One Who Sings |
2019-10-13 | Peter A. Schroll | Tuney Payaxkhike Bearded Marksman |
2019-10-13 | Nicholas Spease | Tgauchsin Achigiguwen Achipiquon Good Natured Musician |
2019-10-13 | Benjamin C. Weber | Klamachpin Allogagan Wachtschu Quiet Servant Of The Mountain |
2018 | ||
2018-10-07 | Herbert Carter | Manachewgan Lilenowagen Lenno Firewood Cutting Law Man |
2018-10-07 | John J. Conlen III | Nutschihhowe Achigiguwen Tindey Night Walker Who Plays With Fire |
2018-10-07 | Jared N. Eyer | Hallemiwi Allogagan Achgeketum Eternal Servant Teacher |
2018-10-07 | Everett Fritz | Gettenminak Ptukhikan Netopalis Happy Roundball Warrior |
2018-10-07 | Kevin Gemmell | Atsilvha Tojuhwa Fiery Redbird |
2018-10-07 | Jacob Hensinger | Wehwatewet Nikanixit Lauchsoheen Teacher, Leader Who Brings Joy |
2018-10-07 | Scott D. McCulloch | Adagatiya ale Alisdelisgi Guardian and Protector |
2018-10-07 | Geoffrey S. Price | Woakus Witatschimoisin Takachsin Gray Fox Who Councils Leaders |
2018-10-07 | Griffin Price | Luppoewagan Allogagan Witty One Who Serves |
2018-10-07 | Andrew Simmons | Gettemagelensit Sakima Wiechcheu Humble Chief of the Wolves |
2018-10-07 | Dudley E. Snyder | Pataman Nutemekiset Gokhos Reverent Shepherd Owl |
2018-10-07 | James William Stokes | Shewan’pi Names Mawachpo Saltwater Fish Collector |
2017 | ||
2017-10-08 | Cole Butz | Wulatenamuwi Allogagan Gischihan Happy Servant Creates With Hands |
2017-10-08 | Charles Ides Faust | Nawochgen Ochwall Anery To Follow His Father’s Path |
2017-10-08 | Lewis Goodman III | Kochemunk Kwishelemao Nulemelante Outdoorsman Who Creates Heat |
2017-10-08 | Russell Hobaugh | Tgauchsin Wowoatam Wingewochqueu Friendly Skilled Raven |
2017-10-08 | Collin McCulloch | Mpi Knataepi Ila Tentary Water Watching Fire Warrior |
2017-10-08 | Terry M Rohrbach | Ktemaque Neumat Mailhatin Beaver Who Watches Camp |
2016 | ||
2017-04-22 | Paul E. Crow | Gatschiehtowagan Elachtoniket Mystery Seeker |
2016-10-02 | Mark Boran | Aschowin Acheson To Swim Strong |
2016-10-02 | David S. Fry | Woakus Wulihan Fox Who Does Good for Others |
2016-10-02 | Richard A. Howett | Nikanixink Ila Ok Wehwatewet Leader Warrior and Teacher |
2016-10-02 | Brandon J. Huey | Segachtek Lowanachen Fervent North Wind |
2016-10-02 | Dean A. Huey | Tgauchsin Kremaque Sachgagunummenen Friendly Beaver Who Leads |
2016-10-02 | Joshua M. Huneke | Leke Auwen Wikhet Witschi Achsin Loyal One Who Builds With Stone |
2016-10-02 | Noah Kayhart | Machtiwitt Kunu Mbi Machque Littlest Snow Water Bear |
2016-10-02 | Charles Kern | Tschitqui Nimat Woapalanne Silent Brother Eagle |
2016-10-02 | David O. Morgan | Klamachpin Woapalanne Witscheman Quiet Eagle Who Helps |
2016-10-02 | Neil Strausser | Meteu Sukachsin Tetuptschellaks Doctor of Iron Wagons |
2016-09-18 | Bryn R. Kolbe | Wulamallessin Moshpekat Wikhetshik Happy Clear Water Builder |
2015 | ||
2015-09-19 | Vaughn E. Golden | Woapalanne Wundamawachtowagan Eagle Who Carries Messages |
2015-10-04 | Benjamin Klein | Qtiis Timmeu Auwen Qlialcheu Son of Wolf Who Eats Smoke |
2015-10-04 | Tyler J. Resch | Lepoatschik Haken Pachihillon Wise Coal Cracker For My Brother |
2015-10-04 | Anthony Stianchie | Tschitqui Pupukuesh Manachewagan Silent Quail That Cuts Firewood |
2015-10-04 | Paul A. Berthinet | Wapantpeu Lenno Guttgennemen Grey-Headed One Who Gives Back |
2015-10-04 | William D. Garrett | Lachxu Sachgagunummen Fisherman Who Leads |
2015-10-04 | Steven S. Spease | Missochwen Tschitanessowagan Lenno Traveling Man That Provides Power |
2015-10-04 | Patricia A. Wylezik-Pfeiffer | Achgeketum Wowatam Unk Xeli Keku A Teacher Skillful In Many Things |
2014 | ||
2014-09-07 | Keegan D. Hubler | Wulatenmuwi Aney Wikhetschik Happy Path Builder |
2014-10-12 | Matthew C. Hensinger | Tschitani Allogagan Topalowilenno Strong Servant Warrior |
2014-10-12 | Arthur Kayhart | Amangi Machque Untschi Guhn Great Bear Of The Snow |
2014-10-12 | J. Michael Nitroy | Sakuxwe Aeke Distance Rider |
2014-10-12 | Kevin Reichart | Moschiwi Wikat Pemapuchk Pakiton Bare Legged Rock Thrower |
2014-10-12 | Jesse Ritz | Na Amiga Happachpoon Achgeketum The Timeless Bench Teacher |
2014-10-12 | Eric Silva | Wowoatam Pisgeke Gokhos Skillful Night Owl |
2014-10-12 | Alexander Smith | Gunaxit Gunammochk Lappiechsin Tall Otter Who Repeats Stories |
2014-10-12 | Benjamin Strausser | Ohtamsu Kshiku Nipen Awenhake Slow Growing Summer Indian |
2015-04-18 | Patrick Iezzoni | Nachpauchsin Manachewagan Fish Who Enjoys Cutting Firewood |
2013 | ||
2013-10-13 | Calum Adams | Klamachpin Luppoewagan Nimat Quiet Witty Brother |
2013-10-13 | Dean Clissa | Woaptioihilleu Timmeu Pale Wolf |
2013-10-13 | Edward L. Dundore | Tschitqui Lilchpin Allogagen Silent Willing Servant |
2013-10-13 | Erik M. Geiger | Nechnutschinget Gischenaxin Nurse Who Is Prepared |
2013-10-13 | Glenn Lesher | Wunita Laphatton Tschigantschi He Knows How To Repair Anything |
2013-10-13 | Louis Mallicone | Woakus Aunen Maweneman Alluns Wil Gray Fox Who Collects Arrow Heads |
2013-10-13 | Jordan Miller | Kwenishkwenayas Gachpallan Lion Who Pulls Someone From Water |
2013-10-13 | Cole Mitchell | Elangomat Gokhos Liwamallsin Lenno Friendly Owl Who Mends People |
2013-10-13 | Tyler Moszcienski | Dachiquoagan Gischihan Patch Creator |
2013-10-13 | Sherry L. Ritchey | Majawat Nachpi Anati Manetu One With Motherly Spirit |
2013-10-13 | Adrienne Wrona | Wulamallsin Lakusin Wikheu Mawemin Happy Climber Who Builds The Team |
2012 | ||
2012-10-14 | James R. Adams | Memsochet Auwen Elek A Gischenaxm Traveller Who Is Well Prepared |
2012-10-14 | Matthew Beekman | Xanikw Alappiechsin Squirrel Who Speaks Fast |
2012-10-14 | Thomas Berger | Wulatenamuwi Pilapeu Sachgachtoon Happy Big Boy Whom Cooks |
2012-10-14 | Douglas S. Butz | Wehikes Nikanixink Builder And Scout Leader |
2012-10-14 | Jonathan Carl | Miqui Wulistammoewagen Allogagen Distant Faithful Servant |
2012-10-14 | Matthew Kayhart | Pataman Lennotit Machque Mbi Reverent Little Bear Of The Water |
2012-10-14 | Baron J. Klein Jr. | Tindey Machtageogan Woapalanne Fire Fighting Eagle |
2012-10-14 | David W. Krauss | Nachgohuman Ktemaque Widhoman Singing Beaver Who Canoes |
2012-10-14 | Austin Resch | Lilchpin Haken Pachihhillan Diligent Coal Cracker |
2012-10-14 | David Small Sr. | Nikanixink Seanapi Hupokana Leader Of Pipes |
2012-10-14 | David R. Smith II | Amangi Moschakantpeu Wiechenin Big Bald Headed Food Preparer |
2012-10-14 | Matthew Van Etten | Gendachgussin Sagachgutteje One Who Climbs To Top Of Mountain |
2011 | ||
2011-10-16 | David Bailey | Nekama Auwen Nimawanachen He Who Helps Plan For A Journey |
2011-10-16 | Daniel Capitella | Nolemiwi Skattek Sachgagunummen Zealous Unseen Leader |
2011-10-16 | Joseph Fick | Tgauchsin Wiechenin Good-Natured Cook |
2011-10-16 | Joshua Hay | Klamachpin Tgauchsuwi Machque Quiet Gentle Bear |
2011-10-16 | Michael Houck | Woapalanne Achgegim Skahenso Eagle Who Teaches Boys |
2011-10-16 | Jeremy Houser | Chesimus Woapalanne Klamachpin Younger Eagle Brother Who Is Quiet |
2011-10-16 | Nathan Klein | Amahgi Achgeketum Nachpikin Great Teacher Of The Outdoors |
2011-10-16 | Evan Mosser | Chitkuwi Nipen Sakima Quiet Summer Chief |
2011-10-16 | Austin Noguera | Tschimamus Wulinamen Enendhaken Rabbit That Likes To Tell Parables |
2011-10-16 | Eric Ritchey | Tschitqui Sachgagunummen Quiet Leader |
2011-09-25 | David Muldowney | Lauchsoheen Nachgohuman Happy One Who Sings |
2011-09-25 | Mark Ramich | Elachtoniket Kotschemunk He Who Searcheth The Out Of Doors |
2010 | ||
2010-11-07 | Anthony Avezzano | Tgauchsin Achipiquon Friendly Music Man |
2010-11-07 | Stephen Fick | Pindhasu Sapiwagon Charged Lightning |
2010-11-07 | William Kimmel | Woapalanne Auwen Witschindin Eagle Who Serves Others |
2010-11-07 | David Steffey | Tindey Machtagen Wewingtonheet Fire Fighter Who Likes To Talk |
2010-11-07 | Arthur Stricek | Woakus Auwen Miltin Weuchsowagan Grey Fox Who Gives Knowledge |
2010-04-18 | Scott Russell | Achtamsin Tekenink To Walk In The Woods |
2009 | ||
2009-10-24 | Michael Beekman | Takeeche Machque Machtalottumawan Little Bear Who Directs Wrong Way |
2009-10-24 | Eric Benkert | Alachimoagan Mizin Restless One Who Eats |
2009-10-24 | Rudy Benkert | Moschhakantpeu Memsochet Bald Headed One Who Travels |
2009-10-24 | Kenneth Berger | Majauchsu Auweni Wikheu Wiki One Who Builds Houses |
2009-10-24 | Alexander Conrad | Hitai Moxkamen Xualuns Lenuwak Skilled Finder Of Future Arrowmen |
2009-10-24 | James Conrad | Tangitti Achewen Sisilija Little Bushy Buffalo |
2009-10-24 | Dean Dalious | Wewoapisak Schindikeu Guard Of The Forest |
2009-10-24 | Cory Kercher | Pedhakquon Gigitowalan Tekene Thundering Speaker Of The Woods |
2009-10-24 | Donald Kline | Gischihan Litchen Peuchtowagen Creative Thinker With Patience |
2009-10-24 | Brant Portner | Wewwoatamowino Untsch Na Tekene Wiseman Of The Woods |
2009-10-24 | Barry Shultz | Witatchimoisin Kikehuwet Council Physician |
2009-10-24 | Gordon Stock | Am Machtenalattin Apitchahehhellen Good Fighter Of The Contrary Minded |
2009-10-24 | Robert Stricek | Woapalanne Quis Woapalanne Eagle Son Of A Eagle |
2009-10-24 | Nicholas Vogelgesang | Jentgeen Alude Klakaptanuganall Dancer Of Some Amazing Tales |
2009-09-20 | Denise Greusel | Nechnutschinget Sachgachtoon Nurse Who Cooks |
2008 | ||
2008-11-22 | Matthew Prine | Nischekat Woapalanne Double Eagle |
2008-09-28 | Daniel Kline | Apendamn Tspat Licehsowagen User Of Strong Language |
2008-09-28 | Josh Seidel | Achgegingewagen Nawoch-En Allanque Teacher & Follower Of The Stars |
2008-09-28 | Timothy Seidel | Pupukuesh Witschindin Bobwhite Quail Who Leads A Wing |
2008-09-28 | Phillip Thomas | Tschitqui Kschamehhellan Tekene Silent Runner Of The Woods |
2007 | ||
2007-11-04 | Ronald Adams | Woakus Woaktschochwen Grey Fox Who Goes A Crooked Road |
2007-11-04 | Roberta Conrad | Meli Sakimaxkwe Nutamimunsi Merry Women Chief Of Children |
2007-11-04 | Kyle Dierolf | Wingolauchsik Tindey Topalowilenno Cheerful Fire Warrior |
2007-11-04 | Brian Kahl | T-Auchsin Manitto Achipiquon He Friendly Creator Musical Laughter |
2007-11-04 | Robert Kissinger | Mechek Lenna Schameu Wuligatschis Large Man With Greasy Paws |
2007-11-04 | Edward Valibus | Achowalogen Nallahhemen Hard Worker Who Sails Up The Water |
2007-11-04 | Gerald White | Tgauchsin Guttgennmen Good Natured Giver |
2007-11-04 | Nathan Wyandt | Majewelendam Wulalooewagen Determined Mindful Worker |
2006 | ||
2006-11-05 | Calvin Beekman | Nimat Machque Brother Bear |
2006-11-05 | Anthony Damato | Achowat Achowalogen Tschitanek Hard Working Fast One |
2006-11-05 | John Fenstermacher | Kotschemunk Wewoapisak Out Of Doors Watchman |
2006-11-05 | Steven Gehris | Xuwi Pehpenallintameit Historian |
2006-11-05 | Drew Hoffman | Wowoatam Achgegingen Tekene Skillful Teacher Of The Woods |
2006-11-05 | Steven Hrabak | Klamhattendmoagan Sachgagunummen Calm Minded Leader |
2006-11-05 | Christopher Kline | Achowalogen Tgauchsin Hakihet Hard Working Friendly Farmer |
2006-11-05 | Cecil Mckee | Mechmauwikenk Wiechenin Camp Cook |
2006-11-05 | Joshua Nimmerichter | Ahowoapewi Opalanie Witschindin Strong Eagle Who Lends A Hand |
2006-11-05 | Gregory Portner | Getteminak Mannachet Happy Woodcutter |
2006-11-05 | Alex Seidel | Petapan Aptoner Daybreak Speaker |
2006-09-17 | Peter Secor | Wulilissowagan Takachsin Good And Kind Leader |
2005 | ||
2005-11-06 | Kevin Damato | Wulanguntowoagan Timmeu Mawachpo Peaceful Wolf Collector |
2005-11-06 | Michael Krajewski | Allowelandamoagan Wuhhala Great Protector |
2005-11-06 | Casey Miller | Achipiquon Wetschitschauquit Saxophone Soul Man |
2005-11-06 | Elmer Miller | Witatschimolsin Woakus The Gray Fox That Advises |
2005-11-06 | JJ Miller | Wunita Wundsummen He Knows How To Cook Properly |
2005-11-06 | Daniel Moser | Wingewochque Achgeketum Raven Teacher |
2005-11-06 | Benjamin Novinger | Miquinuk Achquoanan Feather Catcher |
2005-11-06 | Robert Shannon | Tgauchsuwi Achgegingewagan Pemsit Kind Teaching Walker |
2005-11-06 | George Shoop | Pedhakquon Sisi’lija Lilenowagan The Thundering Buffalo Lawyer |
2005-04-24 | Jonathan Prine | Mawat Auweni Takindamen Tschitqui One Who Counts Silently |
2004 | ||
2004-11-07 | Daniel Althouse | Wulalogewagan He Who Does Good Work |
2004-11-07 | Jason Bingaman | Wawinuwen Chweli Ntutemawachtin Asks Many Questions |
2004-11-07 | Travis Bortz | Witsclieman Nimat Helpful Distant Friend |
2004-11-07 | Jonathan Fritz | Mechakgill Namees Elangomelwe Tall Fish Who Is Friendly |
2004-11-07 | Gene Gabel | Mihillusis Auweni Woalhem Old Man Whom To Dig Holes |
2004-11-07 | Jeffrey A. Hannahoe | Wulamallessin Tgauwiwi Woapalanne Smile Slow Eagle |
2004-11-07 | Janet Harter | Sisilija Wulihan Buffalo Who Does Good For Others |
2004-11-07 | Peter Matthew | Woapalanne Wulinamen Nahhahhemen Eagle Who Likes To Sail |
2004-11-07 | Dennis A. Miller | Ilau Ekasi Nadan Captain Of Little Canoers |
2004-11-07 | Sally Trump | Mechmauwikenk Sakima Camp Chief |
2004-11-07 | Rose Williams | Tatchen Wingewochqueu Little Raven |
2003 | ||
2003-11-02 | Philip Bortz | Witscheman Momsochet Helpful Traveler |
2003-11-02 | Alan Budgeon | Ngutti Naeet Litchen Machiechsin One That Thinks Loud |
2003-11-02 | David Fisher | Witalouen Sakachsin One Who Works With Iron |
2003-11-02 | Jeremy Fisher | Achigiguwen Niganitawan Lighthearted Competitor |
2003-11-02 | Louise Flexer | Ktemaque Auwen Witscheman Takan Beaver Who Helps Others |
2003-11-02 | Robert Gifford | Gachpilgussowoagan Woakus Knot Tying Fox |
2003-11-02 | David Mckeown | Metirnmeu Lekhiket Wolf Writer |
2003-11-02 | David Reager | Wuttoeny Aney Pemsit Memeu Bearded Path Walking Woodcock |
2003-11-02 | Edward Skicki | Tangetto Pisikolis Sachgaguntin Little Snipe Who Leads Others |
2003-11-02 | Jennifer Stitzer | Achigiguwen Machkeu Woakus Fiesty Red Fox |
2003-11-02 | Richard Tylka | Wingachtochwilsit Kotschemunk Lover Of Hunting And Out Of Doors |
2003-11-02 | Adam Uhrich | Luppoe Wagan Wtakolsin Gigischquik Witty One Who Preserves The Past |
2003-11-02 | Anthony Wiencek | Tangetto Meteu Nachpi Wulonquan Little Doctor With Wings |
2003-06-24 | Allan Vath | |
2002 | ||
2002-11-03 | Daniel Bingaman | Lochlogannechwrn Mizewagan Destroyer Of Food |
2002-11-03 | Robert Bingaman | Amangi Wawulauchsin Great Organizer |
2002-11-03 | Ryan Fayewicz | Majauchsu Genachgiton Ne Tindey One Who Controls The Flame |
2002-11-03 | Ryan Gebely | Tscholentit Wewin Little Bird Who Likes To Talk |
2002-11-03 | Alexander Hafer | Landawen Nachpi Atta Alemoagan Climbs With No Fear |
2002-11-03 | Jeffrey Krolick | Sasappelehelleu Taat It Flashes Like Lightning |
2002-11-03 | Gerald Miller | Tschitque Lilchpin Allogagan Silent Eager Servant |
2002-11-03 | Teresa Myers | Tindey Miechheken Gischileu Nitis Fiery Haired Loyal Friend |
2002-11-03 | Stephen Phillips | Ngagiguwe Lehellachemhalgun Lively Lifesaver |
2002-11-03 | Sean Reager | Aman Lakusin Sachgachtoon Rope Climber Who Cooks |
2002-11-03 | Jonathan Teter | Neka Auwen Papabin Achipiquon He Who Plays Musical Instruments |
2002-11-03 | David Tylka | Klamhatlenamoagen Machque Calm Minded Bear |
2002-11-02 | John Forry | Achowaloger Sisili Hard Working Buffalo |
2002-04-21 | Andrew Hoffmaster | Plitey Sisilija Firey Ox |
2001 | ||
2001-11-04 | Joshua Abramowicz | Woapalanne Achgegim Awelemukunees Eagle Who Teaches Young Bucks |
2001-11-04 | Robert Besecker | Allohak Ktemaque Powerful Beaver |
2001-11-04 | James Buerger | Sisilija Papabin Gock Buffalo Who Plays With Money |
2001-11-04 | Robert Cook | Achgeketum Pegui Weuchschummuis Teacher Who Wears Horns |
2001-11-04 | Francis Flexer, Jr. | Tgauchsin Woak Wulatenamuwi To Be Happy And Friendly |
2001-11-04 | Francis “Butch” Flexer | Witscheman Wewingtonheet Ktemaque Helpful Babbling Beaver |
2001-11-04 | Michael Golembiewski | Nochnutemaliuwet Patamoewigawan Keeper Of The Chapel |
2001-11-04 | Gary Herrington | Wingloauchsik Wulalogewagon Cheerful Doer Of Good Work |
2001-11-04 | Bryan Hess | Elangomat Untschi Pemapanik Friend Of The Sky |
2001-11-04 | Daniel Himmelberger | Luppawagan Tschimhammen Witty Paddler |
2001-11-04 | Bruce Schutt | Gokhotit Nachpi Amangi Tscmipey Little Owl With Great Spirit |
2001-11-04 | Benjamin Trump | Klamachpin Nitis Amemens Bashful Friend Of Children |
2001-11-04 | Irene Waits | Milach Witscheman Chauwalanne Long Haired Helpful Eagle |
2001-11-04 | David Wells | Neka Amangiechsin Elgigunkhaki He Who Speaks To All The World |
2001-04-21 | Gregory Hafer | Achge’ Gim Muskelenape Wschimuin Teaches Young Men To Fly |
2000 | ||
2000-11-05 | John W. Albert, Sr. | Ktemaque Witschindin Beaver Who Is Helpful |
2000-11-05 | Shaun Baer | Elitehat Tschetschpat He Who Thinks Differently |
2000-11-05 | Della Drey | Tschitque Nostamoewagan Kteaque Silent Understanding Beaver |
2000-11-05 | Douglas Greim | Wikhetschik Saga’ Wan House Builder |
2000-11-05 | David Kenderdine | Tqauwiwi Netopalis Gentle Warrior |
2000-11-05 | William Moser | Nallahhemen Awossenuppeque Sails Upstream And Over Lake |
2000-11-05 | Dan Tothero | Majawelendam To Be Fixed In Purpose |
2000-11-05 | Adam Turner | Somtunhe He Talks A Lot |
2000-11-05 | Seth Wolfinger | Ahoaltuwamallsin Tekenink He Who Loves The Woods |
2000-11-05 | Thomas H. Wolfinger | Machque Allohakasin Chesimus Bear Who Teaches Youth |
2000-11-04 | Doug Greim | Wikhetschik Saga’ Wan House Builder |
2000-11-04 | Forrest Merkel, Jr. | Woapalanne Menantachk Swamp Eagle |
2000-11-04 | Michael Miller | Pitkullentsch Nutiket Wuskelenape First Guard Of Young Men |
2000-11-04 | John C. Potteiger | Wulelendam To Be Joyful |
2000-11-04 | Chad M. Shade | Luppoewagan Wittiness |
2000-11-04 | David W. Wagner | Muchwoapingus Opossum |
2000-04-30 | Christopher Evans | Sukachsin Hakiachxit Iron String Bean |
1999 | ||
1999-11-07 | Mary Beck | Wonanno Nunscheach Brazen She Bear |
1999-11-07 | Joel Dennis | Neka Pegui Attalenni Machguewil Clothed In Fake Bearhead |
1999-11-07 | Stephen Dibler | Gischitehen Lekhiket Determined Writer |
1999-11-07 | John Didyoung | Gokhotit Wulamallessohaluwed Little Owl Who Makes One Happy |
1999-11-07 | George Geiger | Lilchpin Ktemaque Eager Beaver |
1999-11-07 | Kevin Lerch | Atschimolsoagan Nitis Li Chesimus Advisor/Friend To Little Brother |
1999-11-07 | Kyle Luckenbill | Chans Allohaksin Achipiquon Elder Brother Who Teaches Music |
1999-11-07 | Troy Miller | Ngutti Kulluppi Wimachtendienk One Who Converts To Brotherhood |
1999-11-07 | Edward Murray | Tangetto Schwoonihilla Machrechsin Small Snipe Who Speaks Loudly |
1999-11-07 | David Palmer | Sakima Gischiman Amangi Tindey Chief Who Creates Big Fire |
1999-11-07 | Thomas Rahn | Mehallamawachtowagan Merchandiser |
1999-11-07 | Jonathan Trump | Schachachgapewin Ngutti Correct One |
1999-11-07 | David Valleau | Wipunxit Woapalanne Gray Eagle |
1999-11-06 | David Craft, Sr. | Kikes Kschamehhellan He Who Runs Fast |
1999-11-06 | Jeffrey Ray Reichart | Pohonasin Moschachgeu Wikat Bare Legged Drumbeater |
1998 | ||
1998-11-07 | Michael Bellante | Tschitqui Genachgihat Silent Overseer |
1998-11-07 | Joseph Buchert | Sachgagunummem Tschitqui Silent Leader |
1998-11-07 | Harry Eisenbise | Awossi Welauchsit Overly Organized One |
1998-11-07 | Bill Knappenberger | Wiaki Ajandamoagan Abundant Desire |
1998-11-07 | James Martinez | Wulaton Tangetti Little Lifesaver |
1998-11-07 | Brandon Miller | Papesu Genachgihat Patient Overseer |
1998-11-07 | Dennis Schaeffer | Takeeche Wapaleechen Machque Little White Bear |
1998-11-07 | James Shallcross | Nooniken Mbi Water Seeker |
1998-11-07 | Joseph Sobjak, III | Achipiquon Lenno Music Man |
1998-11-07 | Keith Terefenko | Meechgalhukquot Majewelendam Red Haired One-Fixed In Purpose |
1998-11-07 | Michael Waldman | Moshakantpeu Pachkschawen Bald-Headed Cutter Of Meat |
1998-11-07 | William White | Aptonen Tschipilek To Speak Strangely |
1998-08-01 | Daniel Brown | Tauchsin Friendly One |
1998-06-01 | James Shackelford | Tschitanek Taiachguan Strong Bridge |
1997 | ||
1997-11-02 | Mark Abramowicz | Lawitpikat Wewingtonheet Late Night Babbler |
1997-11-02 | Henry Bird | Gunatit Luppoewagan Machque Tall Cunning Bear |
1997-11-02 | David Craft | Memeechziteu Woja We Kschilandeke Bare Foot Chief Of Summer |
1997-11-02 | Jefferson M. Davis | Lennofit Wewingto Nheet Little Man Babbler |
1997-11-02 | Harry J. Eisenbise | Nekama Auwen Lichpin He Who Is Diligent |
1997-11-02 | Jordan Hitchens | Pommihillen Tonkwaken Ptukhitean Flies With Basketball |
1997-11-02 | Robert C. Isett | Achowologen Allogeiwagan Hard Working Beaver |
1997-11-02 | Christopher Jones | Wuljhilleu Sasappelchelleu Works Well With Electricity |
1997-11-02 | Adam Kenderdine | Tshitqui Mikemossit Silent Laborer |
1997-11-02 | David Prine | Peptukquekhikenk Nochnutemaliuwet Compass Keeper |
1997-11-02 | Charles M. Sacavage | Pemsit Weuchsowagan He That Walks In Knowledge |
1997-11-02 | Andrew Speece | Ngemewi Kschihillen Constantly In Motion |
1997-11-02 | Karl Terefenko | Gunaquot Awe Hellea Long Tall Bird |
1997-11-02 | John D. Walters | Kikeyin Elauwit Aged Hunter |
1997-11-02 | Travis Welker | Useemo Asuuwit He Dreams He Sings |
1996 | ||
1996-11-03 | Peggy Aronson | Getteminak Allanque Machque Happy Star Bear |
1996-11-03 | Russell D. Chwatek | Witalogen Yachen To Work With Wood |
1996-11-03 | Barry G. Drey | Mikemossin Ink Peptukquekhikenk To Work In The Circle |
1996-11-03 | Bryan Drey | Tschitqui Lekhiket Silent Writer |
1996-11-03 | Jarrad Goerner | |
1996-11-03 | Raymond Gromis | Witalegen Mbi Hopaakan Works With Water Pipe |
1996-11-03 | Ben Lorah | Genachgiton Tachen Dallumens To Take Care Of Little Creatures |
1996-11-03 | Dennis E. Lorah | Mahallamagen Machkassin To Sell Brick |
1996-11-03 | Bernie Marquardt | |
1996-11-03 | Steven Saylor | Wewingtonheet Pedhakquen Babbling Thunder |
1996-11-03 | Joanne Schoffstall | Tscholentit Little Bird |
1996-11-03 | Robert P. Stakem, Jr. | Meteu Witawemat Doctors Assistant |
1996-11-03 | Daniel Troy | Aschowin Gunih To Swim A Long While |
1996-11-03 | Fred Wagner | |
1996-11-03 | Jesse Yenser | Weuchsin Ta Gischikkeu To Know How To Make A House |
1996-11-03 | Susan Zierle | Gischihan To Create With Hands |
1996-11-03 | William Zierle | Kikey Woakus Old Grey Fox |
1996-10-22 | Kenneth Becker | Meechgallukquot Red Hair |
1996-10-22 | Kyle Marcincin | |
1996-05-26 | Sterling Barr | |
1996-05-26 | Michael Katchur | Gachpees Aschowin Twin Swimmer |
1996-05-25 | Mike Aronson | Lekhiken Aptonagan Writer Of The Word |
1996-04-25 | Brian Miller | Tangetto Ktemaque Little Beaver |
1996-04-21 | G. Frank Arters, IV | Tscchitqui Attenkpatton Quiet Fire Quencher |
1996-04-21 | Michael Barner, Jr. | Ahoalen Timmeu One Who Loves Wolves |
1996-04-21 | Dwight T. Davis | Ahowoapewi Tschitqui Strong Silent One |
1996-04-21 | Mary Ann R. Davis | Achgetetun Lennohit Teacher Of Young Men |
1996-04-21 | Timothy D. Kenderdine | Auweken Tschipilek Liechsowagen To Make Use Of Strong Language |
1996-04-21 | Deborah A. Reager | Amangi Miechheken Long Hair |
1996-04-21 | Charles M. Sacavage, Jr. | Milit Chesimus He Who Gives To Me Younger Brothers |
1996-04-21 | Maynard G. Stitzer | Ndawat Wingewochguen Rare Raven |
1996-04-21 | Richard Welker | Lenape Gentgeen Indian Dancer |
1996-04-21 | Richard W. Zerbe, Jr. | Gishkshagokan Machve Sawing Bear |
1995 | ||
1995-04-22 | Harold Nye | Wewingtonheet One Who Likes To Talk |
1995-04-10 | Daniel Adams | Mechek Tgauchsin Witschindin Walks Softly With Big Steps |
1994 | ||
1994-09-25 | G. Frank Arters, III | Kikes Allemewachton Chotachsun He Who Carries Stones |
1994-09-25 | Albert J. Davis | Aman Wikhetschik Rope Builder |
1994-09-25 | John B. Howells | Nekti Laltoniken Ojos The One Who Examines Flesh |
1994-09-25 | R. Frederick Isett | Amangi Gattungwam Pemsit Big Sleepy Walker |
1994-09-25 | Steven Katchur | Wulatschimolsin Treat Friendly |
1994-09-25 | Matthew P. Mory | Tschitqui Ehes Ahotasu Quiet One Who Loves Clams |
1994-09-25 | John Newpher | |
1994-09-25 | Ralph Paparella | Tangetto Sassapelehelleu Short Picture Taker |
1994-09-25 | Chris Pietruszynski | Achtu Elauwit Deer Hunter |
1993 | ||
1993-09-19 | Benjamin Coyle | |
1993-09-19 | Dwight R. Davis | Wipit Hatton Tooth Fixer |
1993-09-19 | James R. Gauker | Gechpilgussowagan Achge’gim Knot Teacher |
1993-09-19 | Michael George | Klamachpin Lilchpin Mawat Quiet Diligent One |
1993-09-19 | William E. Hanson | Majanat Wiakipuin One Who Eats In Abundance |
1993-09-19 | Michael Mory | Na Tgauchsin Tulpe The Friendly Water Turtle |
1993-09-19 | Andrew Paparella | Tschitqui Achegeketum Silent Teacher |
1993-09-19 | Mike Schoffstall | Elauwit Na Tulpe Hunter Of The Turtle |
1993-09-19 | James R. Seiler | Glakelendam Man With Funny Laugh |
1993-09-19 | Larry G. Tice | Kikes Utsche Gunaxit He Who Flies Higher |
1993-09-19 | Terence Wade | Klakaptonaganall He Who Sings Silly Songs |
1993-09-19 | Henry Zitrick | Amangi Wsit Big Foot |
1993-04-25 | Martin R. Leh | Lachpicchsin Constant Talker |
1993-04-25 | Terry L. Schaeffer | Kikes Gischihau One Who Creates With The Hands |
1993-04-25 | Andrew Stump | Wolantowagan He Who Has Good Spirits |
1993-04-01 | Charles Denis | Majawat Macheli Klakaptonganall He Who Always Has A Story |
1992 | ||
1992-09-20 | Thomas Coyle | Kikes Ntutemawachtim He Who Questions |
1992-09-20 | F. Darnall Daley | Luppoewagan Witty One |
1992-09-20 | Robert W. Dorn | Ktschillachton One Who Speaks The Truth |
1992-09-20 | William Hanson | Tschitqui Allogagan Silent Servant |
1992-09-20 | Gary Landis | Nuw Ngi Sakima Willing Chief |
1992-09-20 | Roger Mory | Allohakasin Nendauen One Who Instructs The Torch Carriers |
1992-09-20 | William P. Parker, III | Kikes Kiken He Who Heals |
1992-09-20 | Glenn S. Piper | Misshakeuchet Takachsin Traveling Leader |
1992-09-20 | Christopher Schmehl | Klamachpin Quiet One |
1992-09-20 | Richard Shuman | Amholes Tschimakam Canoe Paddler |
1992-09-20 | C. Matthew Ziegler | Lachauwelendam One Who Worries About Details |
1992-05-17 | Christopher Kramer | |
1992-04-25 | Charles Cinnamella | Wulamoewaganit Chesimus He Who Is True Younger Brother |
1992-04-25 | Michael Lerch | Schachacha Kaptonen Teller Of Stories |
1991 | ||
1991-11-01 | Richard F. Kurr | Na Meechgalanne Manitto The Hawk Maker |
1991-09-21 | Michael T. Barner | Majauchsu Woapaschaoialla One Who Works With White Beads |
1991-09-21 | Richard Brown | |
1991-09-21 | Wilfred Desrosiers | Wischiki Waletittin Pilawetit One Who Busily Advises Little Boys |
1991-09-21 | Stephen Fegan | Wqualamo Gachtenquoam Hungry Sleeping Bear |
1991-09-21 | Tony Gauker | Kikes Macheleman He Who Is Highly Valued |
1991-09-21 | Harry W. Hatt | Tuney Wikhetschik Peptukwuekhikenk The Bearded Builder Of The Circle |
1991-09-21 | Jason Hatt | Kikes Passitechin Wewoatan He Who Stumbles Wisely |
1991-09-21 | Clarence L. Hubert | Tagauchsin Kikeyjumhet Our Friendly Elder |
1991-09-21 | Richard Shuman | Amangiechsim Tangeetto Tuneymajawat Loud Short Bearded One |
1991-04-21 | George M. Hasker | Metschkschank Takach Quiminschi Seeker Of The Wood Spirit |
1990 | ||
1990-10-21 | Robert J. Bylone | Wulattonaelchukguonk He Who Advocates Our Cause |
1990-10-21 | Chris Gross | Clamhattenmoagan Mujawat Steady One |
1990-10-21 | Richard Keppler | Gunaguot Mosthakantpeu Achibis Tall Bald-Headed One Who Gives First Aid |
1990-10-21 | Jody John Smith | Lachauweleman Wimachtendienk He Who Is Concerned With The Brotherhood Honor |
1990-08-29 | Kevin Huneke | Atenkpatton Fireman |
1990-06-06 | Charles R. Beck | Genachgihan Woapalanne He Who Nurtures Eagles |
1990-04-21 | Keith Gross | Kikes Gischachgenatasu He Who Is Determined |
1989 | ||
1989-10-15 | Stephen Fegan | Tangetto Moschakantpeu “Short, Bald Headed One” |
1989-10-15 | Jerry Schearer | Lilchpin Eschochwalan Willing To Help Somebody |
1989-10-15 | Stanley Smith | Klamachpin Witatschimolsin To Advise With Quietness |
1989-10-10 | John J. Sikora | Waskejek Wuschgink Amangieschsin Thin Faced One With Loud Voice |
1989-05-21 | Eric Behney | |
1989-05-21 | Joe C. Eby | Lachauwelendamen Takan To Be Concerned For Others |
1989-04-19 | Robert Witmyer | Gokhos Pichpemmetonhet Owl Preacher |
1988 | ||
1988-11-26 | Michael D. Kohr | Wowoatammowino Wachtschu Wiseman Of The Mountains |
1988-11-26 | David R. Merkt | Wag’atamen To Rely Upon |
1988-06-04 | Scott Leister | |
1987 | ||
1987-10-10 | Lloyd Oswald | |
1987-10-10 | Stephen Schaeffer | Natoochton Ngemewi One Who Inquires Constantly |
1987-10-10 | Frederick Shiner | Kikes Aschowin Equiwi Mbi He Who Swims Underwater |
1987-10-10 | Willis Zimmerman | Wewingtonheet One Who Likes To Talk |
1987-09-26 | Steve Herron | Amangi Mizin Big Eater |
1987-05-01 | Terry Murphy | Allappiechsin Woapalanne Fast Talking Eagle Who Makes Others Happy |
1986 | ||
1986-10-12 | Tom Evans | Auchsin Hard To Deal With |
1986-10-12 | Daniel Heim | |
1986-10-12 | Aaron Johnson | Schachachgelendam To Be Determined |
1986-10-12 | William Mengel | Wulalogewagan Good Worker |
1986-08-23 | Larry Reber | |
1986-07-23 | Chas.H. Bergstresser | Tipatit Little Chicken |
1986-07-23 | Dennis Keim | Aschowin Kschihillen Swimmer Who Swims Fast |
1986-07-23 | Martin Mohn, Jr. | Kikeyjumhetgock Wtakeu Elder Money Tender |
1986-07-18 | Ron Reichart | The Warrior |
1986-06-19 | Lester Gottshall | |
1986-05-23 | Dave Ruth | |
1986-04-22 | Dave Mcsurdy | |
1986-04-22 | Kevin Showalter | |
1985 | ||
1985-12-17 | Donald Keller | |
1985-12-11 | Frank Michael | Nekama Tawownalogewogan He Who Cares In Vain |
1985-10-20 | John Bittig | Ahoaltuwi Loving One |
1985-10-13 | Jon Fiant | Kikes Achipiquon Achigiguwen He Who Plays Fiddle |
1985-10-13 | Mark Gambler | Pemsit Gationgwam Oapelukquon He Who Walks In His Sleep In White Snow |
1985-10-13 | Barry Leister | Wulalogewagan Eatass Enahamohen One Who Does Good Work To Stone |
1985-10-13 | Jere Mengel | |
1985-10-13 | Mark E. Messersmith | Achgegingen Kittahikan Lauchsowagen One Who Studies Ocean Life |
1985-10-13 | John M. Moore | Nischeneyit Gegeyjumnet Lachauweleman Chief Of The Fire Who Is Concerned |
1985-10-12 | Rodger Coryell, Jr. | Wewoapisak Tekene Guardian Of The Woods |
1985-09-16 | Richard Stritzinger | |
1985-06-26 | Ronald Henry | |
1985-06-10 | Drew Stump | |
1985-04-27 | Wayne Bechtel | |
1985-04-27 | Steve Kunkel | Sasappekhasu Meechgalhukquot Spotted Redheaded One |
1985-04-27 | Elwood Messersmith | Nag’atamen Klamachpin Mawat Reliable Quiet One |
1985-04-27 | E. Dewey Tice | |
1984 | ||
1984-09-08 | Barry Long | Allapjeyjwwagan The Active One |
1984-05-30 | James Tranchina | Achigiguwen Gokhos Klakaptonaganall Cheerful Owl Who Tells Stories |
1983 | ||
1983-10-18 | George Gabel | Tscholentit Little Bird |
1983-10-16 | Charles H. Bergstresser | Messixu Wil Naked Head |
1983-10-16 | Larry Kunkel | Giskhaquen Wood Chopper |
1983-06-01 | David G. Horton | Gilkissin Amangi Machqua Smiling Big Bear |
1982 | ||
1982-10-01 | Paul D. Levan | Gischachpoanhe Baker |
1982-10-01 | Ted Ruth | Na Kikey Majawat The Old One |
1982-03-01 | Richard Sullivan | |
1981 | ||
1981-10-18 | George Bradbury | The Builder With Stone |
1981-10-18 | Larry Fletcher | Klamachpin Mikemossin He Who Labors Quietly |
1981-10-17 | Carl Deitrich | Witochsimolsin He Who Holds Council |
1981-10-17 | Carl Deitrich, Sr. | Sakima Mikemossit Chief Laborer |
1981-10-17 | Ed Griesser | Tetupshehellak One Who Works With Carts |
1981-10-17 | Steven Reichart | |
1981-10-17 | Allan Vath | |
1981-10-01 | Richard Long | Najundam One Who Carries A Load |
1981-06-01 | Robert H. Mock | Nihlillatmeu Miuwikhattoo Master Of The Encamped |
1980 | ||
1980-10-19 | Ray Landis | Leader Of Little Children |
1980-10-01 | Dave Ruth | Amangi Gettamalenzenset Large One Who Is Humble |
1979 | ||
1979-10-21 | Gerald T. Sullivan | Nekam Apotonen Chweli Mechakgilik He Who Speaks Many Large Words |
1979-01-01 | David Mcsurdy | He Who Sings Junior Birdman |
1978 | ||
1978-10-15 | Gerald A. Mengel | Restorer Of Clothing |
1978-10-15 | Harry Robidoux | Ata Leke Quiqinengus Not Real Duck |
1978-10-15 | Ray Willhoyte | |
1977 | ||
1977-10-21 | R. Michael Reichart | Nekama Wikasch He Who Is Clawed |
1977-10-16 | Kenneth R. Eckert | Achewen Wattoncy Majawat Bush Bearded One |
1977-10-15 | David J. Fick | Neka Auwen Mauici Klakaptovaganall He Who Tells Amusing Tales |
1977-10-15 | Keith Greusel | Nagatamen Maswat Mechauwikenkink Reliable One In Camp |
1977-10-15 | Walt Greusel | Nipachton Peptukquehikenk He Who Sets Up Camp |
1977-10-15 | Michael Maxwell | Wingan Kechiechauch Sowagan Majawat Sweet And Innocent One |
1977-10-15 | Charles Orlando | |
1977-10-15 | Noel Slichter | Eluwak Tschitanek Majawat Powerful Fast One |
1977-05-06 | Robert Castimore | Tschitanessogan One Who Has Authority |
1976 | ||
1976-12-12 | Lloyd C. Slichter | |
1976-06-01 | Steven Kandybowski | Wisachgak Black Oak |
1975 | ||
1975-10-18 | Rick Tothero | Pohanisan Drum Beater |
1975-10-01 | Daniel Beard | Amangi Witawematpanni Achgketum Big Assistant Teacher |
1975-10-01 | Carl Harter | Kschihillen One Who Goes Swiftly |
1973 | ||
1973-09-29 | David J. Cichowicz | Gischeleman To Create With The Mind |
1973-09-29 | David R. Smith | Amangi Sachgachtoon Achipinachk Big Cook With Outstretched Arms |
1972 | ||
1972-10-14 | Charles Fehr | One Who Transcribes |
1972-10-14 | Eugene C. Unger | Gischeleman One Who Creates With The Mind |
1972-10-05 | Ronald L. Beard | Gischitehen Determined Worker |
1972-06-01 | Richard Stritzinger | Lilchpin Allogagan Willing Servant |
1971 | ||
1971-08-21 | Charles R. Coldren | Slhingiptikan Nihillataman Master Of The Rope |
1971-08-21 | Kermit W. Knerr | Manoquen Majawat He Who Scalps |
1971-08-21 | David Morris | Nutikit Patamoewigawan Keeper Of The Temple |
1971-08-21 | John Wenrich | Wulaptonachgat Mawinsin Gatherer Of Good News |
1970 | ||
1970-10-11 | John Esterly | Jagawan Lodge Builder |
1970-10-11 | Michael Ramich | Gischenaxin One Who Is Prepared |
1970-10-10 | James Breneiser | Amangi Achgeketum Big One Who Instructs |
1970-08-25 | Peter Wolfe | Tsqvallmizin Frog Eater |
1969 | ||
1969-10-12 | Charles Hoshauer | Gettemageiensit Humble One |
1969-10-12 | Michael A. Johnson | Nuingi Willing One |
1969-10-12 | Ralph G. Porr, Jr. | Elgixin Worthy One |
1969-08-02 | David Kukucka | |
1969-06-14 | Richard Kellner | |
1969-01-01 | Drew M. Stump | Glistam Listener |
1968 | ||
1968-10-13 | Benneville B. “Ben” Didyoung | Uunita One Who Knows How |
1968-10-13 | Earl W. Dierolf | Sakima Sachgachtoon Chief Cook |
1968-10-13 | Dennis Epler | Amongi Wewingtonheet Big Talker |
1968-10-13 | David G. Glass | Langundowi The Peaceable One |
1968-10-13 | Richard Miller | Tgauchsin Good Natured One |
1968-10-13 | Forrest Moses | Witschindin One Who Helps |
1968-10-13 | Bruce Webster | Wapsu Woaphok Quawon White Hair |
1968-10-11 | Thomas M. Goemer | Langomuwinaxin Friendly Looking One |
1968-08-17 | Walter M. Creitz | Weuthsowagan Knowledge |
1967 | ||
1967-06-16 | Horace W. Hoffman | Wulihan He Does Good For Others |
1966 | ||
1966-10-16 | Walter W. Eck | Wischixin One Who Exerts Himself |
1966-10-16 | Thomas J. Spencer | Lilchpin Diligent One |
1966-05-01 | William Kellner | Woapalanne Bald Eagle |
1965 | ||
1965-10-17 | Ralph D. Eshelman | Klamhattenamin Silent One |
1965-10-15 | Dennis Stephen | Aghgiguiven Noisy One |
1964 | ||
1964-10-18 | Jim Bednarski | Mikemossit Worker |
1964-10-18 | John Fisher | |
1964-10-18 | Richard Laudneslager, Jr. | |
1964-10-18 | Kenneth H. Miller | Achibus He Who Gives First Aid |
1964-10-18 | Joseph Pietruszynski | Atenkpatton Fireman |
1964-04-10 | Frank Felker | Nagatamen Trusted One |
1963 | ||
1963-06-16 | L. Edwin Long | Tatchen Little One |
1963-04-20 | J. Carl Hafer | Papesu Patient One |
1962 | ||
1962-05-31 | Richard Kercher | Kikesklamhattenamoagan The Adult Calm One |
1962-01-01 | Walter Schneider | Wikhetschik Builder |
1961 | ||
1961-10-21 | John E. Geschwindt | Alappiechsin One Who Speaks Fast |
1961-10-21 | Earl P. Moyer | Kikes Memhallamund He Who Trades |
1961-10-01 | Elwood Leininger | Wunita One Who Is Able |
1960 | ||
1960-01-01 | David Newhart | Ah Ho Wa Pewi He Who Has Endurance |
1958 | ||
1958-08-16 | Richard C. Bennett | Na Tah Ni Yezzi Little Chief |
1958-06-01 | Charles P. Werner, Jr. | |
1953 | ||
1953-10-11 | Richard A. Feick | Wedehewi The Hearty One |