May OA Weekend Deadline and Upcoming Conclave

My Brothers:
The May Service weekend is rapidly approaching, with the deadline for registration this Friday, May 9. Currently, there are only about 36 members signed up for the weekend, and 36 candidates registered to take their Ordeal. We are Kittatinny 5, and we can do MUCH better. The deadline means registration forms must be RECEIVED BY FRIDAY at the Council Service Center (not put in the mail on Friday). A Scout is Thrifty – save $5 by paying on time.
We need to have you register early or on time to make planning for the kitchen and other activities for the weekend easier for those committees doing all the work to prepare for your arrival. A Scout is Courteous – Please do your part by registering on time. Even if you can’t send the form and money in on time, contact the Council Service Center to get your name on the list so we know to expect you.
SPECIAL NOTE TO NEW MEMBERS – If you took your Ordeal in April (or last year) and have not returned to a weekend to experience the company of your fellow Arrowmen in Brotherhood, Cheerfulness, and Service, you don’t know what you are missing. A registration form for the May Service Weekend was in your Ordeal Packet, or can be downloaded from the web site at: The theme for May is Major League Baseball. Bring along your favorite team jersey, t-shirt, etc and show your spirit Saturday night at Cracker Barrel. The kitchen clan is cooking up some good ballpark food for everyone! Unlike your Ordeal weekend, we won’t be sending you notices or checklists. You are honor campers, and should know what to bring for a weekend O.A. camp out. If you don’t, contact any Lodge Officer (youth) or the Lodge Adviser (adults/parents) via the Message Center on the lodge web site, or phone numbers listed in your Wolf’s Tale.
Troop Team Reps, Scoutmasters, and well … everyone receiving this message. Talk to the other members in your unit, and encourage them to get active and attend the weekend. There is a lot of work to be done to ready camp for the Summer camping season. What WE do makes camp better for all those who attend Hawk Mountain Scout Reservation throughout the camping season.
If you are planning on attending the NE-6B Conclave (June 6-8) at Horseshoe Scout Reservation, there will likely be a meeting to do some preliminary planning of transportation, activites, etc. Get your registration form in now so we know how many we will have going. Registrations were still low at the April weekend, and we have committed to taking 50 Arrowmen to represent Kittatinny 5. If you aren’t sure what a Conclave is, it’s a gathering of all the lodges in our section for training, competitions, and food & fellowship. If you still have questions, contact a Lodge Officer or the Lodge Adviser using the Message Center on the lodge web site.
Remember the Lodge web site ( is the source for the latest information on what’s happening. You can also follow us on Facebook and Twitter. If the email address you receive this message at needs to be changed, send a message to so they can update your contact information. Also make sure mail from is not blocked or read as spam.
Yours in Brotherhood,
Kittatinny Lodge 5
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