Lodge Update – Feb 14, 2014

There will be a Lodge Executive Committee meeting this Sunday, Feb 16, at 2pm at the Bern Evangelical Lutheran Church, 820 W Leesport Rd, Leesport, PA. This location is where we met in January, about 1 mile north of the Reading Airport on Rt 183. Turn at the traffic light at the CVS pharmacy.
Lodge Executive Meetings are the business meetings of the Lodge. Attendance at Lodge Exec Meetings is required for all Officers, Committee Chairmen and Advisers. Troop Team Reps and District Reps should also attend. Chairmen, please come with written committee reports to present at the meeting. Attendance is optional for the general membership of the lodge, but if you are interested in helping with or learning about the operations of the Lodge, you are welcome to attend. You may also present ideas and ask questions at these meetings. To have items added to the meeting agenda, please contact the Lodge Secretary , Lodge Chief, or Lodge Adviser preferably 1 week prior to the meeting.
If you have not yet paid your 2014 membership dues, please do so at your earliest convenience. Dues must be paid in order to attend lodge functions. Thank you to all who have paid so far. If you have not paid, you can do so by sending in the dues notice card that was mailed to you, or pay online with credit card or e-check at http://www.kittatinny5.org/dues. Dues are now $15 for the year.
Sunday is the deadline for registrations for the 2014 Lodge Fellowship Feast (aka Banquet). We are planning a bigger and better banquet this year and hope to have at least 150 in attendance. Our guest speaker will be former Kittatinny Lodge member Jordan Hitchens, who went on to serve as National Vice Chief of the Order in 2000/2001, who will speak on his experiences as Vice-Chief and how the O.A. has given him opportunities in his personal and professional life. A catered Pulled Pork & Chicken BBQ dinner will be served. Other highlights of the evening will be the swearing in of our new officers, the presentation of annual lodge awards, and various displays. Cost for the Feast is $20 for adults, and $15 for youth. Family and guests are also invited to attend.
As extra incentive to attend the Fellowship Feast, the event will be your first opportunity to sign up and reserve a spot on the contingent heading to NOAC in 2015, celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the O.A. A $100 deposit is required to hold your spot.
Kittatinny e-News
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