New Year News

My Brothers:
We hope that you are enjoying your holiday season.
January 1 will mark the beginning of our new Lodge year, and with it, the change to a January-December program year.
Dues renewal cards have been steadily coming in, but if you have not yet sent yours, please do so before December 31. Dues payments received after December 31 jump $3.00 higher to $15.00. You can send in your renewal card with payment or pay online. If you have not received your dues renewal postcard in the mail, please send an email to so we can check our records for up-to-date information on you.
Unit O.A. Elections and Camp Promotions are under way in the districts. If your troop has not yet scheduled and held its election, please remind your Scoutmaster to do so at his earliest convenience. Please do not wait until the last moment or our elections teams will have a difficult time scheduling your election.
Please consider nominating a worthy candidate for our two awards to be presented at our Fellowship Feast in March. Nominees for the Camp Service Award and Spirit Award are due no later than January 31. Information about qualifications for these awards can be found on the Lodge web site.
Our incoming officers and chairmen are looking forward to re-energizing the lodge and putting on an excellent set of events for you in 2014. It is critical to our mission that you actively support and attend these events. Encourage your fellow Brothers in your unit to attend also. Make a New Year’s resolution to attend at least one Lodge event in 2014, though we would like to see you attend all of them.
Remember that beginning in 2014, members can register and pay for lodge events online or with the traditional paper forms.
Please take note of the following Lodge events coming up early in 2014 so you can mark your calendars and plan to attend. More information about each event is available on the Lodge web site.
2pm – Lodge Executive Meeting @ Bern Lutheran Church
820 W. Leesport Rd, Leesport, PA
(Off Rt 183, 1 mi. north of the Reading Airport, see Lodge web site for map & directions)
2pm – Lodge Executive Meeting @ Bern Lutheran Church
820 W. Leesport Rd, Leesport, PA
(Off Rt 183, 1 mi. north of the Reading Airport, see Lodge web site for map & directions)
10am – Lodge Leadership Development Course @ HMSR
2pm – Lodge Executive Meeting @ HMSR
5pm – Lodge Fellowship Feast @ HMSR
(details on menus, costs, and program will be sent out shortly)
APRIL 11-13
Kittatinny Hosts Northeast Region NLS/NLATS @ HMSR
(Staff needed for cooking, serving meals and cleanup)
APRIL 25-27
O.A. Ordeal & Service Weekend @ HMSR
MAY 16-18
O.A. Ordeal & Service Weekend @ HMSR
JUNE 6-8
Section NE-6B Conclave @ Horseshoe Scout Reservation, Chester County Council
Have a safe and prosperous New Year, and we’ll see you in 2014 !
Yours in the WWW,
Kittatinny e-News
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