May Service Weekend Signup Deadline
![May Service Weekend Signup Deadline](
The May 19-21 Service Weekend is nearly upon us and the “on-time” deadline for registration is tomorrow, May 5.
We had a great turnout in April, but there is still a lot of work to do around camp in preparation for our Section Conclave in June and for the Summer camping season at HMSR. Come up and see the progress that has been made on the new Welcome Center and other areas of camp. No matter what skills you bring to the weekend, there are plenty of projects in need of your help.
If you have a Candidate that was elected in your unit this year and they are taking their Ordeal in April, we encourage all the members of your unit to attend to make him feel welcome in the Brotherhood.
After some service, a good meal and outstanding ceremonies, relax and have some fun at cracker-barrel, where the theme for the weekend will be “Harrison Ford.” Come up for Friday and Saturday night cracker barrels as Han Solo, Indiana Jones, Jack Ryan, Rick Deckard, Richard Kimble, Bob Falfa, or as Harrison Ford himself. Just don’t land your plane on the Willits parade field.
Remember that the on-time cost for the weekend is $25.00. After midnight on May 5 the price goes up to $30, so register on time and save!
Download the registration form or register online.
Remember this is a new O.A. Camping year, so if you did not attend in April, you will also need to bring along an updated BSA Medical Form A-B (also on our forms page) for when you arrive at the weekend.
We hope to see you there.