September 2018 OA Update
My Brothers:
We hope you had a great Summer full of adventures. September is now here, which means a return to activities in the lodge.
Tonight, Tues, Sept 4, at 7pm in the STEM building at camp will be our kickoff planning meeting for our 100th Anniversary celebration of Lodge 5 in 2021. It seems like it’s still so far away, but there will be much to do in preparation for this big event. If you have ideas for what we should do, are interested in getting involved, or have ideas to contribute, we hope to see you there.
The September Weekend is less than two weeks away (Sep 14-16)! Registration deadline is Sep 8, but please register earlier if at all possible so we have an accurate count for planning purposes. We currently have only 50 people registered. There is a lot of work planned to get camp ready for Winter. Please encourage any/all candidates in your units to complete their Ordeal or take Brotherhood if they are eligible. We are trying to attain 100% of elected scouts to complete their Ordeal. The best way to get them there is sign up to attend yourself, provide them a ride, and be a friendly face during their Ordeal. Register online:
September 29 will be the first of two Cub weekends at camp. The second will be on October 20. We would like the lodge to have a presence there with information and to help out. More information will be provided at the September Weekend.
We hope to see you tonight or in two weekends!
Kittatinny Lodge 5
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