Elangomat Program Updates

Elangomat Program Updates

Remember back to your Ordeal and the Elangomats who helped you through the journey? The ones who walked beside you during your trial to be inducted into the lodge. Now you can give back and be an Elangomat yourself on the upcoming weekend of September 13-15th, 2024.

We have very exciting news!

Elangomats will no longer endure scant food but join their brothers in the dining hall for breakfast and lunch. Elangomat pins will also be earned based on the number of times you serve as an Elangomat. A bronze arrow will be earned for being an Elangomat once, silver for 3 times and gold after 5 times. The pin is like our red arrow candidate pins with the white background, but the background will be black.

Here is a sample of what the pins will look like.

The deadline to sign up for the September Inductions Weekend is this Friday, August 30, 2024 at 111:59pm. If you are interested in helping Elangomat please reach out to ordeal@kittatinny5.org and let us know. We will be holding an Elangomat training Zoom prior to the weekend. Use the button below to sign up for the OA weekend!

Lodge Adviser

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