Trail to Eagle: Merit Badge Counselors

From Rudy Benkert:
To all my Brothers of the Lodge:
An opportunity exists for adult leaders to contribute to our camp. Trail to Eagle Camp is looking for Merit Badge Counselors for the following Merit Badges; Citizenship in the Nation, Citizenship in the World, and Personal Management.
If you do not do one of these Merit Badges, but would like to come and help out, please let me know. We may need extra supervision and support for the Merit Badge Staff.
Trail To Eagle Camp will provide up to 36 Scouts to earn 4 Eagle required Merit Badges, leadership and team work. You will leave with new friends and memories to last a life time.
Please contact me, Rudy Benkert, at You will be contacted by a TTE staff member who will explain what we do at Trail to Eagle camp.Trail to Eagle Camp will be camp week 6, July 21st to July 25th. Don’t miss out.
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